Everyone dreads being constipated. It’s never fun to be backed-up to the point of difficult, often painful bowel movements. How we often think of constipation, and what constipation can look like may not always be the same! Constipation is often described as having 2 or fewer bowel movements in a week. These bowel movements will […]

Have you experienced jaw pain/TMJ pain? Did you know that physiotherapy can help treat jaw disorders? You may have read our previous article Do You Have TMJ? and are thinking this will be more of the same… however, jaw pain is complex and there are enough details for countless blogs on the jaw! Let’s dive […]

Ever wonder why you leak when you cough, sneeze, jump, run, or change position? This is called stress incontinence, which is a common issue that can present at any age.   “But I’ve been doing Kegels, why do I still leak? And I think it might even be getting WORSE!”   Having strong pelvic floor […]

Bed wetting can be an extremely frustrating problem to have, for kids and their parents. Why does it happen? What might be causing it? How can physio help? Pediatric pelvic health physiotherapy is an integral part of the care team for children that are experiencing persistent bed wetting aka nocturnal enuresis. Many children go through […]

Many people are aware that physiotherapy can help with injuries from sports or car accidents, but did you know there is physio that can help with your bladder problems? Not just any physiotherapist can assist you with your leaky bladder, we need to take a little bit of extra training to become a Pelvic Health […]

We have mentioned before about the predicament with completing ‘kegels’ (or the contraction phase of the kegel alone is what most end up doing). This has an inherent potential impact on labor and delivery. Now there is new research out of the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology about the impact that […]