Do you have aches and pains from your new baby? Did you know that some of this may be helped by being aware of the positioning of your own body? I am writing to discuss the importance of your body position while feeding your baby. The “Baby Feeding Ergonomics”.

Let’s start by being realistic

You’re never going to be able to achieve a perfect feeding position every time, in every location. Just try your best to work on these where you can. I have yet to find the perfect feeding position when we are on the go. It seems I always end up feeling sore when I am done feeding, be it breast feeding or bottle feeding. Focusing on the two main spots I fed in my home to make sure they were ergonomically correct, allows myself and my son to be the most relaxed and comfortable. PS: if I could feed my son in my car every day I would! It happens to be the most supported seating spot I have.

OTs who work with ergonomics use the rule of 90

This rule states that you want your hip joint and ankle joints to be as close to a 90 degree angle as possible. Additionally you want your ears in a line with shoulders and then in line with your hips. This may sound restrictive and complicated but I promise they are not. Basically you want your hips, bum, back and feet to be supported and your upper body to be in line with your hips. This avoids having your head/ neck hunched forward and is the most comfy position for your hips. It does not mean you can’t put your feet up while feeding. Rather that you might need to use pillows to improve the angle of your hips or the positioning of your back.

Example: when I am feeding my son on the couch I needed a stool to feel comfortable. Otherwise my feet would dangle which put increased pressure on my hips. This would then also cause back pain! The stool allowed me to have my back rest against the couch while maintaining a line between ears, shoulder and hips! My second feeding location is a rocking chair. I added a stool to allow me to be in a more restful position. However I needed a bit more height to the stool still. Adding a throw pillow on top of the stool to make it more ergonomically correct position. If I do not have that pillow I feel it and it doesn’t even give much more height!

But what about my sore arms/shoulders you say?

Well the trick for that is to keep your shoulders down from your ears in a relaxed position. Keep your elbows as close to your body as is comfortable and use your biceps. To use your biceps you want to either have your hands facing upwards or facing inward/towards each other position. As well this is another place where lots of pillows can be very helpful! Even though my son is 15 months now I continue to bottle feed him before bed on our soft nursing pillow because it allows my arms to hold him but it takes some of his weight off of my arms.

I found the more firm breast feeding pillow provided better support when my son was young but as he grew it didn’t allow the best positioning that is when we transitioned to the soft nursing pillow with either the rocking chair arm rest under it or another pillow to allow him to rest in my comfort zone. As he got bigger and transferred to a bottle we mostly used the soft nursing pillows.

These steps might seem like a lot to remember but usually if you take a bit of time to think your positioning through and get the right tools to support you and your baby then your body will feel way more comfortable and it will hopefully help your body feel better! If you are interested in finding out more specifics book an appointment with myself Megan the OT at Warman Physio, or join my online presentation February 12, 2021.

It has been nearly a year since the world stood still here in Saskatchewan. Prior to the pandemic we had the technology to provide virtual services, but it was still considered best practice to see people in-person for all services. This changed rapidly March 18, 2020. In practicing virtual services since this time for the vast majority of the time, we wanted to highlight some of the answers to “Why Virtual Services?”

No need to worry about exposure

The most obvious reason for those that are more conservative is your reduced exposure. You can have your service provided from the safety of your home. There is no need to worry about who all has been in the building.

Childcare Barriers are Reduced

Our biggest struggle is following the recommendation that people should come independently to appointments. We LOVE helping mommas, kiddos, and babies. Not being able to share our toys and baby containing options for families has been a big challenge for us. Having virtual options for services allows us to still see those with busy families; while reducing your costs and eliminating childcare costs!

No Drive Time

YES! We are able to see anyone in Saskatchewan that is a resident of Saskatchewan (for physiotherapy), and greater expansion across Canada (counselling and nutrition services). This allows us to significantly reduce the time away from work or family and increase the efficiency of appointments.

We Still Get a Lot Done!

There are very few appointment types that can’t be done virtually! Especially when it comes to the first appointment. This is where we are gathering information on what happened and how everything is feeling. Getting some movement and visual observation can go a long way. If it isn’t an appropriate issue, injury, or area to be seen virtually, it is our responsibility to ensure that you know and we continue with alternative options – which we hold ourselves highly accountable for.

Remember, the most important piece to improvement is not what we DO, it’s what YOU do!

We see people for anywhere from one appointment every few weeks, to once a week. We impact change from our knowledge and applying to your homework to do between appointments.

I have been treating people virtually since March 2020 and I am really loving the option for people. It has allowed me to get to know my clients even better, as well as work within the restrictions with a variety of health limitations for my clients.” ~Haylie

If you want to learn more about our virtual services check out our other publications!

Virtual Services

Tele-Wha? Telehealth Services


It is another New Year. A time of change and reflection. Last year we wrote our New Year blog with the knowledge that the year was going to be VERY different. Forced changes were happening even as the holidays were gearing up. What we didn’t know is how much of a collective experience having control snatched away would be!

This year it feels that instead of jumping into new resolutions and generalizations of what the year has in store, we are all keeping a close eye on 2021. The new puppy that you aren’t sure won’t wreck those shoes or pee on the carpet. Whatever 2021 had had in store for you, we truly wish that 2021 brings the growth and expansion of happiness and health to all our clients and communities.

Eloquence and gushing are not something that many people find comfortable, including us, however this reflection begs some serious accolades. This past year has shown us that our team is rock solid. We have phenomenal staff. Not only were they able to pick up the slack for Haylie stepping back for her own treatment, but they were able to do this AND navigate a pandemic! Our team had nothing but the health and well-being of our clients and community at the forefront throughout the entire process.

It is for these reasons that we are grateful to 2020. It showed us:
  • We can do hard things (very VERY hard things)
  • Everyone has each others back
  • Continuing as a team and supporting our clients remained a top priority
  • Striking a work/life balance made a big difference in our ability to show up for our clients
  • The adaptability and mental flexibility to move from in-person to virtual services was phenomenal
  • Our values and mission has held strong and true through this whole endeavor

Changes are inevitable. Such massive changes as a collective society is less common. Beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are proud of our clients and community to make this pivot in our social and professional interactions. We have also discovered that some massive changes will not waiver the core values.

Warman Physio will continue to provide:
  1. Exceptional comprehensive and compassionate care
  2. A family friendly and welcoming environment where you are heard
  3. Services across a wide span of providers to best suit your needs

So even though we are all watching our backs waiting to see what 2021 has in store for us, we still plan on going out and exploring the ways we will grow this year.


P.S. Did you know we have some new services? Check them out and see how to book:

Virtual Services: Physiotherapy, Dietitian, Counselling

In-person: Fitness, Physiotherapy, Massage, Occupational Therapy, Dietitian, Counselling

Return of Haylie to Practice: Virtual exclusive