Entries by Haylie Lashta


Pregnancy, Pain & Physiotherapy

As physiotherapists that works with women who are pregnant and women’s health (pelvic floor physiotherapy) and many of us parents ourselves, we find that often women have many questions while pregnant. Shouldn’t I be sore? Isn’t it normal to have pain while pregnant? A little bit of pee when I sneeze/laugh/stand-up is ok though right? […]


Don’t Let Your Love of Running HURT You!

Just in time for spring running weather, Warman Physio will be offering a Running Clinic March 10, 2016! The education session will provide information on: – common running pains/issues – typical training mistakes – stretches that are geared towards runners to try – possible gait analysis (chosen ahead of time) – how to tell when […]


Hello from Warman Physiotherapy & Wellness!

At Warman Physio we are continually looking to improve our client experience.  What we heard from clients in the past year is they would like to know more about various conditions, offers and promotions without having to head to our facebook page.  We have heard you and will be implementing a blog! What will this […]