Entries by Haylie Lashta

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Endo and Pelvic Floor Physio

March was Endometriosis Awareness month, and we have provided some information related to endo for everyone on our social media (Facebook and Instagram). If you are wondering what endometriosis looks like for someone living with it, you can check out the story we posted earlier in the month. As promised here are some of the […]

Booking with Haylie?

I am so thrilled to be back seeing clients, and I am honored to be booking an entire MONTH in advance! Due to the high demand, and my increased need for Pediatric Pelvic Floor, an area that currently only I am treating within the clinic, I am going to have to limit my schedule. At […]

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A Journey with Endometriosis… From someone WITH Endo

For Endometriosis Awareness Month, we wanted to give our readers a true story to hear from. The individual that wrote this story has not been seen at the clinic, and is in no way affiliated with Warman Physiotherapy & Wellness. She, like many others, wants to raise awareness, give some of her symptoms, and hopefully, […]

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POP: Getting Those Pesky Organs to Stay Put!

This past weekend I received several messages related to pelvic floor dysfunctions that are not being taken at face value. “Well you’ve had kids”, “it’s all in your head”, “this is a psychosocial problem not  a physical problem”. I have said it before and I will say it again, women need to be listened to, […]