Tele-wha? Telehealth Services

When we think of paramedical services such as counselling, dietetics and physiotherapy the first thought that comes to mind is not necessarily virtual or telehealth appointments.

The healthcare world has been firmly grounded with in-person service as the ‘gold standard’ of evaluation and treatment of patients… until now. In these uncertain times where we are trying our best to follow physical distancing recommendations, government guidelines, and new ways of being it has launched all business and healthcare in an entirely new direction. Where third party payers and benefits providers would previously have not covered telehealth services, covering these remote services is critical to people as they continue to need assistance through this experience.

As much as change is difficult for everyone, we believe that telehealth services will be here to stay. This is why we have taken our time ensuring that the client experience will be as seamless as technology will allow. We see and hear the difficulties our clients and community are continuing to experience through this crisis, and we want to be able to show up in a tangible and reliable way. Just because we are safe at home doesn’t mean we don’t still experience pain, mental distress, and gut issues!

But … how can Physio be provided remotely?

Telehealth Appointments

Often our clients come to see us thinking that the best things we can provide are through our hands on treatment. Hands on treatment and evaluation can be extremely beneficial, however, that hands on evaluation and treatment comes backed by years of education and an intimate understanding of the processes of the body, stages of tissue healing and rehabilitation, movement analysis, and the biopsychosocial components to pain management.

At Warman Physio we see a wide variety of individuals and understand that injuries, incontinence, pain, and movement dysfunction does not only continue to occur or develop, but can in many cases get worse with added stress. We are here to help you, help yourself in a safe and effective manner.

Remote Counselling? How?

Counselling is often thought of as sitting on a couch with a box of kleenex next to the counsellor and pouring out all your problems. During this uncertain time feeling like you have no where to turn or talk to can increase many difficulties you were already facing. Connecting through a secure video link will give you the option of sharing your thoughts and feelings, and developing new strategies to support your mental health.


Want to access some more details? Check out our information we have available on our telehealth services – including how we are ensuring we are doing our best to keep your appointment information safe and secure!