Entries by Haylie Lashta

Why Should I Sit to Pee?

Half the population doesn’t give it much thought. The other half have various opinions. For people that have the option to stand to pee, here are some reasons to sit!   Potty Learning When young children are first learning to use the toilet, it can be easier to teach them to stand to pee. Maybe […]

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Why Virtual Services?

It has been nearly a year since the world stood still here in Saskatchewan. Prior to the pandemic we had the technology to provide virtual services, but it was still considered best practice to see people in-person for all services. This changed rapidly March 18, 2020. In practicing virtual services since this time for the […]

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Easing into the New Year

It is another New Year. A time of change and reflection. Last year we wrote our New Year blog with the knowledge that the year was going to be VERY different. Forced changes were happening even as the holidays were gearing up. What we didn’t know is how much of a collective experience having control […]