Dr Nicole Michaud
Naturopathic Consult
Physical Medicine
IV Nutrient Therapy
About Nicole
I was introduced to naturopathic medicine while working for a health collective in Calgary, Alberta. The differing approach to health and wellness between practitioners is what immediately drew me towards naturopathy. When my mother was diagnosed with brain cancer, I got to see first hand how much of an impact those differing approaches can have on a patient facing a very difficult health journey.
When my mom returned to work as an accountant after her first surgery, I returned to school to start my journey to become an ND.
So, What Is the Naturopathic Approach?
Naturopathic Medicine is a form of primary health care that understands that the body is constantly trying to heal itself in a principle called “the Healing Power of Nature”. When we understand that, we can approach the body as a whole self, and direct our initiative at finding the root cause of dis-ease. By finding the root cause we can direct the patient in making changes in their life through a multitude of options to allow the body to heal itself.
All regulated naturopathic schools are a four year post undergraduate program which means we have at least 8 years of education. We truly are “medically trained but naturally focused” as the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors have promoted.
After the first two years, which are heavy in biomedical sciences, we write NPLEX 1 (Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam) which tests us on our knowledge thus far. After the fourth year we write NPLEX 2 which tests us in our ability to diagnose based on symptoms as well as exams on other modalities such as herbal medicine and minor surgery.
I am a member of good standing with the CNPBC as well as the British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) and now the Saskatchewan association of Naturopathic Practitioners (SANP).